Pixels With Coordinate System and Resolution
Pixels With Coordinate System
and Resolution
Any building like house or hospital…etc consists of several floors and each floor
consists of internal units - each unit consists of a total of bricks
So brick is the structural unit of any building.
The picture is also an expression of a particular building - constructed using its own structural units - these units are called (Pixels) .
So brick is the structural unit of any building.
The picture is also an expression of a particular building - constructed using its own structural units - these units are called (Pixels) .
What is Pixel?
The word “pixel” means a picture element .Pixel is the
structural unit of any digital image . They are the smallest unit of
information that makes up a picture they are typically arranged in a
2-dimensional grid (array).
group of pixels(source)

finally - pixel is consider
as a small image. It have intensity ,
color and some patterns.
The Image Coordinate System
earlier, an image is
represented as a grid which made up of
rows and columns of pixels. so the image
actually is like this :
2D array
A pixel in an image can be specified by
saying which column and which row contains it
In terms of coordinates, a pixel can be
identified by a pair of integers giving the column number and the row number.
For example, the pixel with coordinates (3,5) would lie in column number 3 and
row number 5.
columns are numbered from left to right,
starting with zero.
(source )
Image resolution
describes the amount of detail that an image contains so we can say the Higher resolution means more
image details and lower resolution means low image details .
The resolution of digital images can be
described in many different ways.
· Pixel resolution
· Spectral resolution
· Temporal resolution
· Radiometric resolution
In our field we need to focus in pixel resolution only so let's go to Understand it deeply .
Pixel resolution is Number
of Total Pixels in the image .
for example a Pixel
resolution for image is 720×1024
. that means there are 720 Column of
pixels along the width
from left to right , and 1024 row of
pixels along the high from top to bottom and the total pixels for this
image is
720×1024 =737280 pixels
Another example If an
image is 2048 pixels in width and 1536
pixels in height so Pixel resolution(the
total pixels in the image) is
2048×1536 = 3,145,728 pixels or 3.1 megapixels.
Below is an
illustration of how the same image might appear at different pixel resolutions
I hope
this article has been reported to you - I have tried hard to shorten it without
a work flaw in understanding the basics as much as possible.
Be free
to contact via my email any time
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