Color Spaces and Color depth
Color Spaces Color spaces are different types of color modes, used in image processing . it is a specific organization of colors. Some of the common color spaces are: RGB HSV CMY’K Y’UV YIQ Y’CbCr RGB is the most widely used color space especially in computer vision field so we will explain it in this article . Color model RGB RGB is used in your TV and computer screens, and hence on web pages each color image is actually formed of three different images. Red image, Blue image, and black image. [ R=red -- G=green -- B=blue ] (source) (source) And every color have scale or range from 0 to 255 . So if we have image like this (only black image) : That’s mean the value of red color in this image is 0 and the value of green color in this image is 0 and the value of green color is also 0 . rgb = ( 0 , 0 ,0 ) -- so the result was a...
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