Color Spaces Color spaces are different types of color modes, used in image processing . it is a specific organization of colors. Some of the common color spaces are: RGB HSV CMY’K Y’UV YIQ Y’CbCr RGB is the most widely used color space especially in computer vision field so we will explain it in this article . Color model RGB RGB is used in your TV and computer screens, and hence on web pages each color image is actually formed of three different images. Red image, Blue image, and black image. [ R=red -- G=green -- B=blue ] (source) (source) And every color have scale or range from 0 to 255 . So if we have image like this (only black image) : That’s mean the value of red color in this image is 0 and the value of green color in this image is 0 and the value of green color is also 0 . rgb = ( 0 , 0 ,0 ) -- so the result was a...
computer vision In this article we will briefly talk about one of the most important branches of artificial intelligence, which has occupied many researchers in recent times, the field of computer vision. Man has eyes that show the surrounding images (the physiological vision of the human) and then enter those images to the brain through the cells and the neural connections, then occurs immediate treatment for this images ,so the person can identify what his eyes see. source Similarly, computer vision is the process of enabling the computer to have the ability to view the surrounding medium (using any camera connected to it, such as a web camera, for example) and then analyze and process what to recognize it and this is done using some of the algorithms prepared for this. source We now agree that computer vision is basically one of the fields of computer science designed to build intelligen...
Pixels With Coordinate System and Resolution Any building like house or hospital…etc consists of several floors and each floor consists of internal units - each unit consists of a total of bricks So brick is the structural unit of any building. The picture is also an expression of a particular building - constructed using its own structural units - these units are called (Pixels) . What is Pixel? The word “pixel” means a picture element . Pixel is the structural unit of any digital image . They are the smallest unit of information that makes up a picture they are typically arranged in a 2-dimensional grid (array). group of pixels( source ) This is one pixel in image ( source ) group of pixels ( source ) finally - pixel is consider as a small image. It have intensity , color and some patterns. ( source ) The Image Coordinate Syst...
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